May 1, 2010

Brian Luman. [photography]

Brian Luman is a sixteen-year-old photographer, skateboarder, and all-around amazing person from the Cincinnati, Ohio area. His work is here:

and here:

and he has also been featured on multiple photography and art websites.

Brian was nice enough to be my first bipolarbear interview, so I asked him some questions and answers, and here is what we came up with:
How long have you been into photography?
"Not long enough... maybe 2 years. Something like that."

What's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you when you were taking photographs?
"When those bad ass security guards held our film hostage. hahahah." [Brian, our friend Danny, and I were 'trespassing' at a steel mill in a town close to ours, just taking pictures of the industry, and this crazy, power-tripping security guard confiscated all our film. It was kind of awesome, actually. We turned it into a good time.]
Dream place to shoot?
"Pretty much anywhere. Urban environments are nice though."

Favorite piece of work? (You can pick more than one if you can't decide).
"This is the hardest question to answer. But if i had to choose it would be between these...
The list changes just about everyday."

Any music you think everyone should be listening to?
"Track Aesthetics. Abduction mixtape coming in a few months." [].

Favorite song to play on repeat?
"I don't really have an answer for this."
Something not a lot of people know about you:
"I'm pretty open about stuff. But lately I have had this terrible feeling that someone else is controlling me. Its very hard to explain but its almost like nothing is real anymore."

Who/what inspires you?
"I'll just make a list. William Eggleston, Stephen Shore, Kingdom Hearts, various books, my mom, hip hop, and 205 contacts I have on flickr."

What are your goals for the future, in regards to your art?
"Get work into both MOMA NY and SF along with as many other museums and galleries I can.
Selling prints to make a living would be nice but that is a long ways away."

Anything else you want to say?
"I love skateboarding."

And in closing, for your eyes' enjoyment, some of Brian's photographs: